
Like many clergy and non-profit professionals, I rely on regular financial contributions from individuals, families, partner agencies and faith communities to make ends meet. 

Donate Now

Because I’m a commissioned member of the Christian missional order Global Service Associates (GSA), all donations to support my work are tax-deductible.

Give online — To make a recurring or a one-time donation from your debit card, credit card or bank account go to GSA’s secure “Virtuous” giving page. Once there, choose “Marrton Dormish” from the “Project or Member Designation” dropdown menu, fill in your giving information and follow the prompts from there. You can monitor and update your info at any time if you register as a GSA Virtuous giving system user.

Give via check — You can also send a check made out to “Global Service Associates” to: Global Service Associates, P.O. Box 20425, Boulder, CO 80308. Please write “Dormish” in the memo line of your check.

Receipts are sent shortly after donations are processed. Feel free to contact me if you have donation questions or need further assistance, and thank you for helping to sustain my ministry of presence, justice and memory in Broomfield, the North Metro Denver area and beyond!

I know this raises a lot of questions, but…pretty amazing, right?